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Federal Capture: How to Form Winning Teams

sales Mar 29, 2022

Are you still struggling to find the right federal contracting teammates?

What is holding you back?

Too many small businesses tell us they struggle to find viable teammates when pursuing federal contracts or end up with less-than-ideal teammates.

What can you do to improve the likelihood you will have the right match?

Why aren't you finding right teaming relationships ?

Too often, the enthusiasm to pursue federal dollars clouds the critical decision making process.  Perhaps you are failing to clearly define what you need in a teammate.

Without the right team, you will not win the contract.  



A template brings everyone on your team to a common understanding of the key criteria for success. You must specify exactly what you need in order to shape a highly effective team. 

  1. Step 1: Scope Gap Analysis 
    • Review the criteria from an opportunity's performance work statement (PWS)
    • Next, transfer the tasks from scope area into a Requirement Gap Analysis template spreadsheet. Track tasks and subtasks separately
    • Next, create a column for Ratings
    • Assign each task a rating on a 1 through 5 scale (5 is best)
    • Next, create a column for Past Performance 
  2.  Step 2:  Acquisition Requirement Gap Analysis (RGA)  
    • Review the requirements to see where a teammate is needed to shore up your weak areas
    • This step includes everything other than scope and may include – 
      • Socio-Economic status for set-asides (ie women-owned, veteran-owned, HUBZone, 8(a), SVDBO etc
      • Specific contract vehicles that will be used
      • Required skills or staff certifications 
      • Past Performance (specific agency, tasks, or similar sized projects)
      • Organization Certifications (ISO, CMMI, etc.)
      • Geographic experience (do you need to be in proximity to a base or project?)



If you can do 60% or more of the tasks and acquisition requirements, you can prime.

If you do not have the required vehicle, you cannot prime.

If you don't have the required status or the  required contract vehicle, you need to team to fulfil that requirement.

Did you rate yourself < 4 in a required task area?  Then you need a partner. 

It is that simple.

If you have to rationalize it, you are not ready to prime.  See yesterday's blog for more on this topic.  Federal Capture: How to Choose the Best Opportunities to Bid On

With an honest gap analysis, you will be prepared to have strategic conversations and clearly communicate with the right teaming partners. 

Teaming is a strategic alliance process, not networking to build friendships.  A Teaming Worksheet will show you exactly what you need and who can meet the specific criteria for the specific opportunity. 

How many teammates do you want? 

Sometimes you just want to shore up your missing requirements. Other times, you might want to really elevate your level of expertise by bringing in multiple teaming partners.

To succeed, you need to form the strongest combined set of skills and core competencies to position yourself as viable partners to the government. 



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