NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Interactive Map of Centers
The NASA Centers are identified by geographic location with small business contacts, top NAICS Codes, what they buy and also feature a specific mission video for each center.
NASA Centers and Small Business Offices
NASA’s FY 2021 Volume of Integrated Performance
Report includes highlights of what NASA accomplished in FY 2019 and how they manage projects, operations, and people
- FY 2019 Annual Performance Report
- FY 2020 Annual Performance Plan Update
- FY 2021 Annual Performance Plan
2019 NASA Procurement Year in Review
NASA spends approximately 81% of its budget acquiring goods and services.
Procurements totaled over $19.5 billon
Over 36,000 (e.g., awards, modifications) and in excess of 25,000 instruments (including contracts, PO, TO, DO).
NASA Vendor Database | NVDB
Open to all large and small vendors, NASA's vendor registration is shared with acquisition personnel. The database is searchable by vendor and HBCU/MSI, and offers the ability to view capability statements
NASA Vendor Communication Plan
Effective vendor communication requires the support of the entire acquisition workforce; contract specialist, contracting officer, procurement analyst, program manager, and project manager, small business, technical, finance and legal professionals alike.

NASA Glenn Research Center | 2019
See training videos below
'Do Your NASA Homework' with Neil McDonnell
NASA | Understanding 'Industry Day' Documents
Learn how to read critically to find the key information buried in the various strategic documents handed out at events
NASA | Glenn Research Center | Strategic Action Plan
Neil McDonnell reviews the 2019 Glenn Research Center Strategic Action Plan step by step
NASA KSC | Kennedy Space Center
Learn to find your key Points of Contact at Kennedy Space Center
NASA Flight Centers | Finding Small Business Offices
Neil shows how he researches across large agencies, like NASA, to find the right small business offices. The goal is to find direct points of contact, so you can reach out to the best small business specialist in the right office.
NASA NSSC | 2019 NASA Shared Services Center Overview
In this video, Neil McDonnell shows you what is important in each section of the report. Learn about the NSSC Senior Leadership Team, Vision and Mission, Business and Service Delivery Models, Services Portfolio, National Center for Critical Information Processing and Storage (NCCIPS), Local Workforce and Economic Impact on Local Community
NASA MSFC | Small Business Directory
Register in NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Small Business Directory