Podcast Guest Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
GovCon Chamber president Neil McDonnell teaches valuable federal sales skills and occasionally interviews government and industry experts who offer advice and insights to help Small Businesses succeed in the federal contracting space.
Event Title?
Who is the Audience?
Time Commitment for Guest
What Are the Topics of Discussion?
Presentation Format
Who Are Your Typical Guests?
Is This a Live or Recorded Event
Who is the Host of This Event?
How is the Interview Distributed?
Honorable Guests Attending
Cost of Attendance
Press Allowed?
Is there a Q&A Period
Event Web Site
Event Agenda
Disclaimer / Release Form Needed
Speaker Relationship
For Profit / Not for Profit
Event Sponsor
Offer of Payment or Reimbursement to Guest?
Deadline for Acceptance
Coordinator Point of Contact
Origin of the Invitation?
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